


之前网络上的教程是Vivecraft 1.7的版本,那个版本问题很多,现在更新了1.11版本,而且启动器也换成最新的2.1版本,优化了特别多的问题。

Vive Controllers

1. 如果你之前有安装1.7的版本请删除,以免有冲突,删除(C:\Users\你的用户名\AppData\Roaming下的minecraft文件夹里面的所有东西)

2. 确保我的世界程序没有打开。









Mixed Reality Cam

Turn on the Mixed Reality Cam mode in VR Settings > Stereo Rendering. Cycle through the ‘Display Mirror’ options until it reads ‘Mixed Reality’

Next you need to set up the camera position. You can use a controller to set a fixed position, use a3rd controller as a moveable camera, or manually adjust the camera position with hotkeys.

Fixed Camera

The easiest way if your room camera is within the view of the lighthouses is to hold the Main controller next to the camera, pointing in the same direction and hit theapp menu button while holding the grip button. Doing this willsnap the virtual camera position to the controller.

You should also try to match the FOV as closely as possible using the slider in VR Options > Stereo Rendering.

If you need to move the camera manually you can use the following hotkeys:

·Move left/right: rctrl left/right

·Move forward/back: rctrl up/down

·Move up/down: rctrl pgup/pgdown

·Tilt left/right: rctrl rshift left/right

·Tilt up/down: rctrl rshift up/down

·Roll left/right: rctrl rshift pgup/pgdown

·Change FOV: rctrl Ins/Del

Move-able Camera

If you have a 3rd controller or VR tracker attached to your camera, it should be detected automatically by Vivecraft when you switch into Mixed Reality mirror mode. You can adjust the offset between the controller and camera. (under construction)

Mixed Reality Views

the default Mixed Reality view is a 4-pane style similar to Unity games. The top left pane is the foreground, the bottom left is the background. The top right is optionally the alpha mask. The bottom right is the player view, either undistorted or a direct copy of the player view. Undistorted will decrease performance

The dividing plane between the foreground and background is the HMD location.

The un-rendered area of the foreground is perfect black (rgb 0,0,0) and the game will not normally output this value, allowing you use to it as a keying color. You can change the key color in the options menu. You can also used the Alpha mask pane for this purpose. Currently foreground translucency is not supported.

Setting up OBS

Minecraft has some issues with OBS, the only way I’ve gotten it to work is:

·Add your monitor capture as a global source.

·Add the monitor source once, set chroma key to absolute black and similarity to 0.

·Edit the scene and use “alt size handles” to crop the monitor to the foreground display mirror.

·Set the source size to fit screen vertically then use “shift size handles” to stretch it left and right.

·Add the monitor again as a source. Repeat the above steps for the background half of the mirror.

·You should now have a combined foreground and background view of the game world.

Add your cam as a source, set up your chroma keying, and position thesource between the foreground and background.


Congratz you’re now in Minecraft!

