








观察到 在if语句处也存在左公因子,一并提取,最终文法定义为:


pair<int, string> tokens[10000];int cursor_;int tokens_size_;


// 工具函数:获得一个向前看,但并不移动指针pair<int, string> get_ahead(){ return tokens[cursor_];}// 工具函数:尝试匹配一个类型,匹配返回真bool match(int type){ if(cursor_ >= tokens_size_) return false; if(tokens[cursor_].first == type) { cursor_ ; return true; } return false;}// 工具函数:尝试匹配一个类型和字符串,都匹配返回真bool match(int type, string target){ if(tokens[cursor_].first == type && tokens[cursor_].second == target) { cursor_ ; return true; } return false;}bool factor(){ cout << “Try to match factor” << endl; if(match(IDENTITY)) return true; if(match(DIGIT)) return true; return match(SYMBOL, “(“) && expr() && match(SYMBOL, “)”);}bool B3(){ cout << “Try to match B3” << endl; return match(SYMBOL, “%”) && factor();}bool B2(){ cout << “Try to match B2” << endl; return match(SYMBOL, “/”) && factor();}bool B1(){ cout << “Try to match B1” << endl; return match(SYMBOL, “*”) && factor();}bool B(){ cout << “Try to match B” << endl; int backup_cursor = cursor_; if(B1()) return true; cursor_ = backup_cursor; if(B2()) return true; cursor_ = backup_cursor; if(B3()) return true; cursor_ = backup_cursor; return false;}bool D(){ cout << “Try to match D” << endl; pair<int, string> ahead = get_ahead(); if(ahead.first == SYMBOL && (ahead.second == “*” || ahead.second == “/” || ahead.second == “%”)) return B() && D(); return true;}bool term(){ cout << “Try to match term” << endl; return factor() && D();}bool A2(){ cout << “Try to match A2” << endl; return match(SYMBOL, “-“) && term();}bool A1(){ cout << “Try to match A1″ << endl; return match(SYMBOL, ” “) && term();}bool A(){ cout << “Try to match A” << endl; int backup_cursor = cursor_; if(A1()) return true; cursor_ = backup_cursor; if(A2()) return true; cursor_ = backup_cursor; return false;}bool C(){ cout << “Try to match C” << endl; pair<int, string> ahead = get_ahead(); if(ahead.first == SYMBOL && (ahead.second == ” ” || ahead.second == “-“)) return A() && C(); return true;}bool expr(){ cout << “Try to match expr” << endl; return term() && C();}bool F(){ cout << “Try to match F” << endl; pair<int, string> ahead = get_ahead(); if(ahead.first == RELOP) return match(RELOP) && expr(); return true;}bool bool_(){ cout << “Try to match bool” << endl; return expr() && F();}bool E(){ cout << “Try to match E” << endl; pair<int, string> ahead = get_ahead(); if(ahead.first == KEYWORD && ahead.second == “else”) return match(KEYWORD, “else”) && stmt(); return true;}bool stmt6(){ cout << “Try to match stmt choice 6” << endl; return block();}bool stmt5(){ cout << “Try to match stmt choice 5” << endl; return match(KEYWORD, “break”) && match(SYMBOL, “;”);}bool stmt4(){ cout << “Try to match stmt choice 4” << endl; return match(KEYWORD, “do”) && stmt() && match(KEYWORD, “while”) && match(SYMBOL, “(“) && bool_() && match(SYMBOL, “)”) && match(SYMBOL, “;”);}bool stmt3(){ cout << “Try to match stmt choice 3” << endl; return match(KEYWORD, “while”) && match(SYMBOL, “(“) && bool_() && match(SYMBOL, “)”) && stmt();}bool stmt2(){ cout << “Try to match stmt choice 2” << endl; return match(KEYWORD, “if”) && match(SYMBOL, “(“) && bool_() && match(SYMBOL, “)”) && stmt() && E();}bool stmt1(){ cout << “Try to match stmt choice 1” << endl; return match(IDENTITY) && match(SYMBOL, “=”) && expr() && match(SYMBOL, “;”);}bool stmt(){ cout << “Try to match stmt” << endl; int backup_cursor = cursor_; // 指针的回溯 if(stmt1()) return true; cursor_ = backup_cursor; if(stmt2()) return true; cursor_ = backup_cursor; if(stmt3()) return true; cursor_ = backup_cursor; if(stmt4()) return true; cursor_ = backup_cursor; if(stmt5()) return true; cursor_ = backup_cursor; if(stmt6()) return true; cursor_ = backup_cursor; return false;}bool stmts(){ cout << “Try to match stmts” << endl; pair<int, string> ahead = get_ahead(); if(ahead.first == SYMBOL && ahead.second == “}”) return true; else return stmt() && stmts();}bool block(){ cout << “Try to match block” << endl; return match(SYMBOL, “{“) && stmts() && match(SYMBOL, “}”);}bool program(){ cout << “Try to match program” << endl; return block();}


int main(){ if(!DFA()) return 0; // 词法分析tokens_size_=cursor_; cursor_ = 0; // 初始化指针 if(program()) cout << “ACCEPT !” << endl; else cout << “ERROR !” << endl;}



input:{i = 2; sum = 0; while (i <=100) { sum = sum i; i = i 2; if(i%5==0) break; }}output:SYMBOL : {i = 2;IDENTITY : iSYMBOL : =DIGIT : 2SYMBOL : ; sum = 0;IDENTITY : sumSYMBOL : =DIGIT : 0SYMBOL:;KEYWORD : whileSYMBOL : (IDENTITY : iRELOP : <=DIGIT : 100SYMBOL : )SYMBOL:{IDENTITY : sumSYMBOL : =IDENTITY : sumSYMBOL : IDENTITY : iSYMBOL:;IDENTITY : iSYMBOL : =IDENTITY : iSYMBOL : DIGIT : 2SYMBOL:;KEYWORD : ifSYMBOL : (IDENTITY : iSYMBOL : %DIGIT : 5RELOP : ==DIGIT : 0SYMBOL : )KEYWORD : breakSYMBOL:;SYMBOL:}SYMBOL:}Try to match programTry to match blockTry to match stmtsTry to match stmtTry to match stmt choice 1Try to match exprTry to match termTry to match factorTry to match DTry to match CTry to match stmtsTry to match stmtTry to match stmt choice 1Try to match exprTry to match termTry to match factorTry to match DTry to match CTry to match stmtsTry to match stmtTry to match stmt choice 1Try to match stmt choice 2Try to match stmt choice 3Try to match boolTry to match exprTry to match termTry to match factorTry to match DTry to match CTry to match FTry to match exprTry to match termTry to match factorTry to match DTry to match CTry to match stmtTry to match stmt choice 1Try to match stmt choice 2Try to match stmt choice 3Try to match stmt choice 4Try to match stmt choice 5Try to match stmt choice 6Try to match blockTry to match stmtsTry to match stmtTry to match stmt choice 1Try to match exprTry to match termTry to match factorTry to match DTry to match CTry to match ATry to match A1Try to match termTry to match factorTry to match DTry to match CTry to match stmtsTry to match stmtTry to match stmt choice 1Try to match exprTry to match termTry to match factorTry to match DTry to match CTry to match ATry to match A1Try to match termTry to match factorTry to match DTry to match ETry to match stmtsTry to match stmtsACCEPT !


