

Is that the only speed that matters?

No. There’s another kind of speed, a lag known aslatency, that may become even more important with 5G.

lag 作名词指time lag,时间间隔,时滞




Issue a command now on a smartphone — like starting a web search — and the response isn’t exactly immediate. A lag of 50 to several hundredmillisecondsis common, partly because signals often must pass between different carrier switching centers; 5G, which uses newer networking technology, was designed to reduce latency down to a few milliseconds.It was also designed to deliver signals more reliably than earlier cellular networks, which today frequently drop bits of data that aren’t essential for tasks like watching movies on a phone.

issue:to officially make a statement, give an order, warning etc发表〔声明〕;颁布,发出〔命令、警告等〕


earlier cellular networks: 4G的替换词


That improvement could bring many benefits, notably in fields such as virtual reality. The highest-quality VR applications now typically require bulky headsets that are connected by wire to nearby personal computers that generate 3-D images. With 5G, that would be off-loaded wirelessly to other machines, freeing users to move and making it easier to develop goggles the size of eyeglasses, said Cristiano Amon, president of Qualcomm’s semiconductor business.

virtual reality :VR,虚拟现实

bulky :adj. 体积大的;庞大的;笨重的


semiconductor 半导体

参考译文:这种改进有很多好处,尤其是在虚拟现实这类领域。最优质的VR应用通常都要配备笨重的头盔,头盔还要用线连接生成3D图像的个人计算机。高通半导体业务总裁克里斯蒂亚诺·阿蒙(Cristiano Amon)说,有了5G的话,VR头盔就可以无线连接到其它机器上,用户便可以自由移动,要开发出眼镜大小的目镜也愈加容易了。

In the related field of augmented reality, people could point a smartphone camera at a football game and see both live video on the display and superimposed player statistics or other data, said Patrick Moorhead, an analyst at Moor Insights & Strategy.

augmented reality: 增强现实(AR),将计算机产生的图像叠加于计算机用户所看到的现实世界景象之上,从而提供一个综合景象。

point sth. at sb./sth. 用某物对准…

比如She produced a camera and pointed it at me. 她拿出相机对准了我

live video:视频直播;live作形容词时可表示“现场直播的,实况转播的”,比如live coverage of the World Cup世界杯赛的实况转播;

superimposed 叠加的;

穆尔咨询和战略公司(Moor Insights & Strategy)分析师帕特里克·穆尔黑德(Patrick Moorhead)说,在增强现实(AR)相关领域,人们可以用智能手机摄像头对准一场足球比赛,在显示屏上观看视频直播的同时,还可以看叠加上去的球员统计数据或其它数据。

And 5G’s impact extends to medicine and other fields that increasingly rely on high-speed connections.

“If you talk about remote surgery or connected cars, you don’t want latency times to be too long,” said Fredrik Jejdling, an executive vice president at Ericsson, a maker of cellular equipment.

5G的影响已经扩展到越来越依赖高速连接的医学和其他领域。手机设备制造商爱立信(Ericsson)的执行副总裁弗雷德里克·杰德林(Fredrik Jejdling)说,“要说到远程手术或联网汽车,你可不想延迟时间太长。”

So should I buy a smartphone that works with 5G right away?我是否应该马上买一台支持5G的智能手机呢?

A consumer study sponsored by Intel in August found that 58 percent of Americans were not knowledgeable about 5G or had not heard of it, though another survey in December by the chip maker indicated solid demand once the benefits were explained.


knowledgeable:knowing a lot有丰富知识的;博学的;

参考译文:英特尔(Intel) 8月份赞助的一项消费者研究发现,58%的美国人对5G并不了解,或者根本没有听说过,不过英特尔12月份的另一项调查显示,一旦5G的好处得到解释,需求就会非常强劲。

Confusion actually could increase over the short term because of some technical details.

You have a lot to consider. For example, while Verizon and AT&T plan to later add 5G services based on lower frequencies that offer wider coverage, the first 5G handsets may not work with those portions of their networks. So the reach of 5G signals for those phones may remain limited.

“I wouldn’t buy a 5G phone until it supports 5G in one of the lower-frequency bands,” Mr. Thelander said. “For all operators but Sprint, this means at least late 2019, and more likely 2020.”




